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Launch a FACEBOOK live with the RTMP function

Hello everyone,

Facebook frequently adjusts its policies for pages, and currently access to groups and sometimes pages can be restricted. To get around these broadcasting problems, there are 2 solutions:

-Schedule the live stream on the group and broadcast via RTMP
-Broadcast on YouTube or Twitch and share the live link on your Facebook page (my preferred solution).

(We're sorry, but we're doing our best to adapt to Facebook's changes )

Thanks to this video, you can now get around the problem and resume broadcasting your matches via RTMP :

Translated with (free version)

Section 1: Prerequisites and configuration
Before you start, make sure you have an active Swish Live account and the equipment you need for a quality broadcast. This includes a compatible camera and a stable internet connection.

Facebook setup: Prepare your Facebook page or group:

Go to your page/group management settings.
Select “Publishing settings” and enable the live streaming options.

Section 2: RTMP configuration on Swish Live
Swish Live supports RTMP broadcasting, making the process smooth and flexible.

Find RTMP settings :

Open the Swish Live application.
Go to “Settings” then “Live broadcasting” and select “Custom RTMP”.

Broadcast key:
Go to your Facebook page, in the “Create” section then “Live”. Here, Facebook will generate an RTMP URL in the settings and a broadcast key.

Copy the broadcast key and RTMP URL into the Swish Live settings.

Section 3: Start Broadcasting
With the parameters configured, you're ready to launch your broadcast.

Start Live :

In Swish Live, select the “Broadcast” button.

Make sure the output is set to your Facebook page or group via RTMP.
Click on “Start broadcast” to go live.
Monitoring the broadcast:

Keep an eye on connectivity and adjust quality settings if necessary to ensure a smooth experience for viewers.

Section 4: Best practices

Audience engagement :

Interact with viewers via comments.
Encourage viewers to react and share the live stream to increase visibility.
Solving common problems :

If the broadcast is interrupted, check your internet connection and RTMP settings.
Make sure that live streaming permissions are correctly configured on Facebook.

Updated on: 24/04/2024

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